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Caring for Church Grounds

The goal of this ministry is to manage and maintain exterior grounds.



Lawn care: mowing, trimming grass & trees; rake, bag and dispose of excess grass. Request volunteers or professional help as needed.  Pick up and dispose of sticks, brush and leaves when needed (especially after strong winds).

Once a month mow around sign on County Road 140 and Hwy 30.  Make sure signs are in good repair.

Arrange for spraying lawn and parking lot for weeds, (volunteers or contractors).

Snow removal from parking area and shoveling sidewalks, de-icing walkways.  Arrange snow removal contract/arrangements for the year, (currently Hank Horstmann).

Parking lot maintenance:  spray for weeds, remove gravel from grass in spring, arrange for deliver and spread of new gravel when needed, (receive approval at business meeting).

Yearly maintenance of lawn mower and repairs as needed.  Educate volunteers on mower use as needed.  Arrange for volunteers to access equipment as needed.


Contact People:

Coordinate volunteers for tasks, (e.g. post sign-up list for mowing).

Contact trustees to request approval at business meeting for expenditures.


Work With:

Volunteers, contractors if appropriate, (e.g. snow removal, weed spraying).


Spiritual Gifts:

  • Serving



  • Organization

  • Communication Skills

  • Leadership

  • Detailed Oriented

  • Helping


Time Commitment:

2-4 hours per month, seasonal variations


Length of Assignment:

2 years



Familiar with operating equipment and time-line of tasks to be completed.  Contact list for services.

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