Pleasant Grove
Church of Christ
Teaching People to Follow Jesus
Lost in the Father's House: The Final Aha
July 22, 2018
As Christians, it’s easy for us to look at those who are lost in the world or even those who have recently accepted Christ and make an inaccurate judgment about our own relationship with the Father. On July 22nd, 2018 we examined ourselves in the light of how we treat the Prodigals in our lives who have returned home through Christ. Please join us in reading Luke chapter 15 in preparation for this message: Lost in the Father's House - The Final Aha. Click on the image to Listen.
Defeatism: It's Too Late Now
July 15, 2018
When is it too late to return to our heavenly Father? Have we wandered so far that we can’t go home again? Thankfully it’s not solely up to us. Our heavenly Father meets us on our way back to Him. On July 15th, 2018 we realized what God has done to welcome us home again. Please join us in reading Luke chapter 23 in preparation for this message: Defeatism: It’s Too Late Now. Click on the image to Listen.
Procrastination... I'll Get To It Later
July 8, 2018
“I’ll get around to it eventually.” Yet, until it becomes a priority it never gets done. That may be fine when “it” is doing a little work around the house, but what about when God has startled us with the reality of our situation. On July 8th, 2018 we learned to stop putting off our Aha moments by finally taking action. Please join us in reading Luke chapter 19 in preparation for this message: Procrastination: I’ll Get To It Later. Click on the image to Listen.
Passivity: I'm Sure Everything Will Work Itself Out
July 1, 2018
Are we waiting on God or are we simply being passive? Too often we mask our passiveness with supposed spirituality. On July 1st, 2018 we learned to take action when God calls for it. Please join us in reading 1 Samuel chapters 2 & 3 in preparation for this message: Passivity: I'm Sure Everything Will Work Itself Out. Click on the image to Listen.
Time to Get Up!
June 24, 2018
Every Aha moment begins with a startling realization and moves to brutal honesty, but it isn't complete without taking action. Yet, our tendency is to remain complacent. On June 24th, 2018 we learned why taking action about the situations in which we find ourselves is necessary if we are going to experience Aha. Please join us in reading Luke chapter 15 in preparation for this message: Time to Get Up! Click on the image to Listen.
Minimize - It's Not That Big of a Deal
June 10, 2018
For whatever reason, we tend to downplay the sinful situations in which we find ourselves. On June 10th, 2018 we will be brutally honest as we begin to see our sin through the eyes of God. Please join us in reading Jonah chapter 3 in preparation for this message: Minimize - It's Not That Big Of A Deal. Click on the image to Listen.
Projection - It's Not My Fault, So It's Not Responsibility
June 3, 2018
Growing up it was easy to blame our siblings for the trouble we got ourselves into, but many of us have never outgrown pointing fingers. On June 3rd, 2018 we will be brutally honest about the situation in which we find ourselves by overcoming the obstacle of blaming others instead of admitting our own responsibility. Please join us in reading Genesis chapters 2 & 3 in preparation for this message: Projection - It's Not My Fault, So It's Not My Responsibility. Click on the image to Listen.
Denial - If I Ignore It, Maybe It Will Go Away
May 27, 2018
When we start being honest with ourselves, our tendency is to make excuses for our situation. We often deny the reality of the situation in which we find ourselves. On May 27th, 2018 we overcame three obstacles that stand in the way of acknowledging the reality of our situation so we can repent and return to God. Please join us in reading 2 Samuel chapters 11 & 12 in preparation for this message: Denial – If I Ignore It, Maybe It Will Go Away. Click on the image to Listen.
Talking to Yourself
May 20, 2018
A startling realization by itself won’t bring about an Aha moment that transforms our lives. When the lost son, which Jesus talked about, “came to his senses” he had to be brutally honest first with himself, then with his father. On May 20, 2018 we learned to take an honest look at our lives – confessing our shortcomings. Please join us in reading Luke chapter 15 in preparation for this message: Talking to Yourself. Click on the image to Listen.
A Startling Realization
April 29, 2018
Amidst the busyness of our lives we often don’t realize the areas in our lives where we are trying to live independently from God. Our friends may see where we’re living outside the Father’s will, but don't speak up because we have never freed them to talk to us about it. On April 29, 2018 we will learn to free those closest to us to speak on God’s behalf about where we find ourselves in life. Please join us in reading 1 Kings chapter 19 in preparation for this message: A Startling Realization. Click on the image to Listen.
A Desperate Moment
April 22, 2018
Would we protect our children from having to experience a painful situation? What if the pain of that situation would eventually draw them back to a loving relationship with Jesus, would we protect them from it? On April 22nd, 2018, we came to realize that a prodigal needs a desperate moment to recognize the place they are hiding from God. Please join us in reading 2 Corinthians chapter 7 in preparation for this message: A Desperate Moment. Click on the image to Listen.
Coming to Your Senses
April 15, 2018
Like the lost son, we have moments when we recognize our situation for what it is; when we’re brutally honest with ourselves about it; when we rise from our mess to take immediate action. In every Aha moment in our lives these three will be present. On April 15th, 2018, we began to explore the alarms that help us recognize our situation for what it is. Please join us in reading 2 Chronicles chapter 36 in preparation for this message: Coming to Your Senses. Click on the image to Listen.
A Distant Country
April 8, 2018
Many of us have misconceptions about God that drive us away from Him. We think the distance protects us from being hurt, but all that distance simply keeps His love at arms length. On April 8th, 2018, we began to examine Jesus' story of the lost son to discover God's longing for us to come home to Him. Please join us in reading Luke chapter 15 in preparation for this message: A Distant Country. Click on the image to listen.