Pleasant Grove
Church of Christ
Teaching People to Follow Jesus
It Is What It Is
A Purpose and A Promise
January 28, 2018
We all take a turn suffering in difficult chapters of life. Some are bumps in the road; others are much deeper and more painful. And God doesn't seem to be willing to change or fix it. In this message, we get a look into the apostle Paul's similar situation, and we discover that despite the pain and difficulty, God offers some great and helpful things in these chapters of life. Click on the image to listen.
It Is What It Is
January 21, 2018
As part of life on planet earth, we often find ourselves in difficult and/or painful realities. It's our situation, perhaps we've done all we can, and it's not getting better - a relationship, a financial problem, an illness, or a dream we've had to give up on - it's not what we wanted or planned for. in those situations, we struggle and wonder where God is or if He even cares. The good news is: the New Testament addressed this directly. Click on the image to listen.