Pleasant Grove
Church of Christ
Teaching People to Follow Jesus
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
What Gift? (Part 2)
June 9, 2019
This past week, we started examining the spiritual gifts listed in Romans chapter 12 and how to utilize them to build up the church. On June 9, 2019 we discussed the three remaining gifts we didn’t examine last week to see if one of them strikes a chord with us personally and recognize the importance of testing our gift to confirm it is from God. Please join us in reading 1 Chronicles chapter 29, 1 Timothy chapter 3, and Luke chapter 10 in preparation for this message: What Gift? (Part 2). Click on the image to listen.
What Gift? (Part 1)
June 2, 2019
Each of us, as baptized believers, have been given a gift by the Spirit to help edify the family of God. Yet, many of us have never identified what is even our gift. On June 2, 2019 we examined the first several spiritual gifts listed in Romans chapter 12 and learn how to utilize them to build up the church. Please join us in reading Jude, Acts chapter 6, 2 Timothy chapter 2, and Acts chapter 9 in preparation for this message: What Gift? (Part 1). Click on the image to listen.
Gifted Service
May 26, 2019
When we think of our spiritual gifts, we tend to think of them as distinct from one another. Yet, some gifts are meant to universally influence the way we utilize others. On May 26, 2019 we learned to serve one another in love no matter the gift we have been given by the Spirit. Please join us in reading 1 Peter chapter 4 and Ephesians chapter 4 in preparation for this message: Gifted Service. Click on the image to listen.
That Thing You Do
May 19, 2019
In discovering, developing, and serving with our spiritual gifts, it's easy for us to miss the very nature of what spiritual gifts are, and why we have them in the first place. On May 19, 2019 we discovered the wonder and challenge of what God intended spiritual gifts to be. Please join us in reading Romans chapter 12 in preparation for this message: That Thing You Do. Click on the image to listen.
Lovely Gifts
May 12, 2019
Have you ever been around someone that was so talented you wish you didn’t have to be around them? A spiritual gift without love is just a clanging cymbal in the ear of those around us. On May 12, 2019 we will learn to use our spiritual gifts in a way that edifies our brothers and sisters in Christ and shows the world God’s love for them. Please join us in reading 1 Corinthians chapter 13-14 in preparation for this message: Lovely Gifts. Click on the image to listen.
Gifts are Meant to Be Given
May 5, 2019
Expressing our emotions - what’s going on inside of us - can often be confusing and difficult. Opening our hearts to God, we may find ourselves saying, “God, you know what I mean...” even though we may not even know ourselves. On April 14th, 2019 we learned to clarify our inner struggles by writing them out and confessing them to God. Please join us in reading Jeremiah chapters 15 & 17 in preparation for this message: Speak to Me through My Words. Click on the image to listen.
The Giver of Gifts
April 28, 2019
When we think of spiritual gifts, we often get so excited about the gift we’ve been given that we never get around to asking God why he gave it to us in the first place. On April 28, 2019 we realized that it’s not about the gift we’ve been given as much as who it was that gave it to us and how he wants us to utilize it to further God’s kingdom, the church. Please join us in reading Romans chapter 12 in preparation for this message: The Giver of Gifts. Click on the image to listen.