Pleasant Grove
Church of Christ
Teaching People to Follow Jesus
Giving Vision
20:20 Vision
November 3, 2019
People won’t support something with their time and finances that they don’t believe in. They won’t believe in something if they can’t experience it in tangible ways. Something won’t be tangible if we don’t get specific about the role, they play in it. On November 3, 2019 we identified some specific ways we can generously support the mission and vision of our congregation this coming year. Please join us in reading 1 Chronicles 22 & 29, in preparation for this message: 20/20 Vision. Click on the image to listen.
Generous God
October 27, 2019
For many of us, generosity is something we don’t understand. Is living generously giving a significant gift when there is a significant need? Or is it giving consistently, but when there is a special need giving above the norm? Or is it something else entirely? The truth is, generous living is more about what God has done than what we are doing. On October 27, 2019 we saw God’s generosity and learned to follow his example. Please join us in reading 2 Corinthians 8 & 9, in preparation for this message: Generous God. Click on the image to listen.
Seeing the Future
October 20, 2019
People won’t support something with their time and finances if they don’t believe in it. They won’t believe in it if they can’t see it in tangible ways. On October 20, 2019 we examined how we, as a congregation, are currently living according to our mission, vision, and values, and dreamed a bit about what the future may hold for us as we follow God’s leading for our church. Please join us in reading Acts 9 & 21, in preparation for this message: Seeing the Future. Click on the image to listen.
Giving Vision
October 13, 2019
As we grow older, we often have more difficulty seeing things clearly. Likewise, as a church, our vision tends to get blurry with time. When we can’t see clearly where we’re headed, it’s hard to support it with our time and finances. On October 13, 2019 we introduced the role our mission, vision, and values play in our lives as a church and as individuals, recognizing where we’re headed is worth supporting. Please join us in reading John 9, in preparation for this message: Giving Vision. Click on the image to listen.