Pleasant Grove
Church of Christ
Teaching People to Follow Jesus
God: Revealed
June 28, 2020
What's in a Name?
As the Apostle Paul concludes his letter to the house churches of Rome, he greets those within the churches. We often breeze past all the names because… well, they are hard to pronounce! But his greetings tell an important story we must not miss. On June 28, 2020 we were challenged to live in such a way that reveals the character and work of the name that is above every name. Please join us in reading Romans 16 in preparation for this message: What’s in a Name? Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
June 21, 2020
Graceful Purpose
After being cooped-up for a while, it’s easy for us to make plans that are centered around ourselves and our desires. Yet, Paul considered his ministry for the Lord to be a grace given to him, a blessing he did nothing to deserve. Could it be that we are missing out on a blessing from the Lord because of our selfishness? On June 21, 2020 we were challenged to make plans to serve the Lord instead of serving ourselves. Please join us in reading Romans 15, in preparation for this message: Graceful Purpose. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
June 14, 2020
One Mind and Voice
Throughout history there have been many moments when the world changed significantly. Looking back, we are able to recognize what a difference a moment made. Could it be that we are standing at one of those moments thinking, “I can’t wait until everything is back to the way it was!”, not realizing the world has changed when we weren’t looking? On June 14, 2020, as we make plans to regather, may we do so with the same attitude of mind toward each other as Christ Jesus. Please join us in reading Romans 15, in preparation for this message: One Mind and Voice. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
June 7, 2020
Alone in Christ?
Should we regather or continue in our house churches? That’s the question most congregations are asking now, including our own. Many congregations are divided by more than just geography. On June 7, 2020 we learned to recognize that we are all at different places in our walk with Christ and were challenged to journey with our brother and sister where they are in Christ. Please join us in reading Romans 14, in preparation for this message: Alone in Christ? Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
May 31, 2020
God-Given Authority
??? Our current situation is filled with question marks. Politicians are divided as how to move forward. Medical personnel have their own versions of the same story. Church leaders are torn between expressing the liberties Christians have in the USA and the wellbeing of those who have been entrusted to their care. On May 31, 2020 we will learn to reveal God as we honor those He has put into positions of authority. Please join us in reading Romans 13, in preparation for this message: God-Given Authority. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
Loving Service
May 24, 2020
“Look at what I can do” is often how we treat our gifts and talents. Yet, Paul tells us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought. On May 24, 2020 we learned to use our spiritual gifts to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ as part of a unified body. Please join us in reading Romans 12, in preparation for this message: Loving Service. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
A Living Sacrifice
May 17, 2020
We often focus on knowing about God, but neglect applying what we have learned to our everyday lives. Paul challenges us to be transformed by our relationship with God. On May 17, 2020 we learned to live in such a way that we become living sacrifices to God. Please join us in reading Romans 12, in preparation for this message: A Living Sacrifice. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
Consider God
May 3, 2020
God is both loving and holy. Jesus came in both grace and truth. Paul tells us to consider both the kindness and sternness of God. Yet, we tend to lean to one extreme or the other, while God’s desire for us is a balance of both. On May 3, 2020 we were challenged to live lives defined by belief in God, recognizing his expectation for a holy people as he is holy. Please join us in reading Romans 11, in preparation for this message: Consider God. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
From Death to Life
April 26, 2020
Many believe that the church is dying in America. Churches are seeing an unprecedented exodus due to confusion about their purpose. In Romans, Paul helps us grasp the far-reaching impact of our witness, not only on the world, but also on our brothers and sisters in Christ. On April 26, 2020 we were challenged to share our faith with those in the world around us reaching them for Christ and, in turn, bringing new life into our church. Please join us in reading Romans 11, in preparation for this message: From Death to Life. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
The Sent of Faith
April 19, 2020
Our sense of smell has a powerful influence over what we do. The aroma of a great meal makes us hungry. The scent of fresh cut flowers makes us long for summer. The stench of gas makes us flee our homes. We are influenced by what we smell. On April 19, 2020 we learned that we, as Christians, are to be an aroma that influences those around us as we are sent into world with the good news of what Jesus has done. Please join us in reading Romans 9 & 10, in preparation for this message: The Sent of Faith. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
Children of the Promise
April 5, 2020
It’s a great feeling to be chosen! When we were on the playground as children it’s exciting to be chosen. On April 5, 2020 we will be challenged to live a transformed life according to who we are in Christ, the adopted children of God – recipients of God’s promise of mercy to all who actively believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Please join us in reading Romans 9, in preparation for this message: Children of the Promise. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
More Than a Conqueror
March 29, 2020
We are living in uncertain times. At least, that’s what we are told from almost everyone around us. In this “uncertain time” there is something we can be certain of that should fill us with confidence to face the future. On March 29, 2020 we came to recognize the certainty of God’s love expressed through Christ. In Jesus, we are more than conquerors. Please join us in reading Romans 8, in preparation for this message: More Than a Conqueror. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
Suffering & Glory
March 15, 2020
Life isn’t easy, especially as Christians in a world that often doesn’t want to hear what God has done in our lives. Feeling the pressure of society to toe-the-line, many choose to hide their faith from those around them. Yet, Paul tells us that our present suffering won’t compare to our future glory. On March 15, 2020 we freed the Spirit to intercede in our lives according to God’s will, knowing that God works all things for the good of those who love him. Please join us in reading Romans 8, in preparation for this message: Suffering and Glory. Click on the image to listen.
Life through the Spirit
March 8, 2020
We sometimes wonder if the life we’re leading is all it’s cracked up to be. Often our lives are hectic and in turmoil. Yet, God tells us life doesn’t have to be that way. On March 8, 2020 we saw that a mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace, and we were challenged to live according to the Spirit who brings about our adoption as children of God. Please join us in reading Romans 8, in preparation for this message: Life through the Spirit. Click on the image to listen.
Recognizing Sin
March 1, 2020
We often use “Paul’s struggle” in Romans chapter 7 as an excuse to fail. Yet, such a mentality doesn’t fit with what Paul has already said in his letter to the churches in Rome. Could it be that we have misunderstood Paul’s intention for what he wrote? On March 1, 2020 we were challenged to realize the power we have in Christ to continually put to death sin and live triumphantly in the Spirit. Please join us in reading Romans 7, in preparation for this message: Recognizing Sin. Click on the image to listen.
Slaves Set Free
February 23, 2020
The abolition of slavery is certainly something to be celebrated. Yet, set free physically, many of us are still enslaved to sin. On February 23, 2020 we were challenged to live as those who have been set free from sin – to be holy as those belonging to God. Please join us in reading Romans 6 & 7, in preparation for this message: Slaves Set Free. Click on the image to listen.
A New Life
February 16, 2020
God’s grace, his passionate choice to save us in Christ is beyond our understanding. When we join Christ Jesus in his death, we also come alive with him to live a transformed life. On February 16, 2020 we were challenged to live a new life, set free from sin and death, alive to God to live a righteous life. Please join us in reading Romans 6, in preparation for this message: A New Life. Click on the image to listen.
One Righteous Act
February 2, 2020
Sin seems to reign in our world today. Even as those who claim to follow Jesus, we often live according to the desires of our own sinful selves. Yet, because of one righteous act, we are freed to live differently. On February 2, 2020 we learned to let God’s grace reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Please join us in reading Romans 5, in preparation for this message: One Righteous Act. Click on the image to listen.
Against All Hope
January 26, 2020
Abraham was old and Sarah’s womb was dead, yet Abraham believed God’s promise that his descendants would be more than could be numbered. Not by anything he had done, his faith was credited to him as righteousness. On January 26, 2020 we were challenged to live by faith, allowing God’s grace to transform our lives. Please join us in reading Romans 3 & 4, in preparation for this message: Against All Hope. Click on the image to listen.
January 19, 2020
Many people put off making a decision for Christ, perhaps because they don’t recognize any advantage in this life of being a follower of Christ. What is the point of committing one’s entire life to Jesus as opposed to simply waiting until the end to make a decision for Christ? On January 19, 2020 we learned the importance of pursuing a relationship with God by living in His word according to His faithful promises. Please join us in reading Romans 2 & 3, in preparation for this message: Advantage. Click on the image to listen.
January 12, 2020
We have a tendency of comparing ourselves as Christians to those in the world. Such contrasts make us feel pretty good about ourselves. Yet, they can also cause us to think that we are good enough without a Savior. On January 12, 2020 we recognized that God doesn’t differentiate between people. Whether we are saved or lost, we are all in need of a Savior. Please join us in reading Romans 1 & 2, in preparation for this message: Indiscriminate. Click on the image to listen.
Not Ashamed
January 5, 2020
Witnessing is about revealing God. Paul says in Romans 1 that the gospel reveals the righteousness of God. But who is our witness revealing God to be to those around us? On January 5, 2020, and throughout this series of sermons, we were challenged to examine the gospel message to see the character of God, then unashamedly reveal him to those around us. Please join us in reading Romans 1, in preparation for this message: Not Ashamed. Click on the image to listen.