Pleasant Grove
Church of Christ
Teaching People to Follow Jesus
Hope for the Future
Hope for the Future
October 23, 2022
Hope is hard to come by in our modern world. Many struggle to have hope for the present day, let alone for tomorrow. Yet, God’s offer of hope in John 3:16 is wrapped in eternal vibrant life. On October 23, 2022, we will be challenged to choose life through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and live forever with God fulfilled. Please join us in reading John 3 in preparation for this message: Hope for the Future. Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.
The Last Word on Life
October 16, 2022
“Get used to disappointment.” For too many of us, these words have become a mantra of sorts. We’re leery to put our hope in Jesus for fear that He will simply let us down like so many other things. Yet, Jesus faced struggles just like us and triumphed over them. On October 16, 2022, we will be challenged to claim the new life Jesus offers us through his death, burial, and resurrection. Please join us in reading Genesis 2 and First Peter 1 in preparation for this message: The Last Word on Life. Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.
The Perfect Place
October 2, 2022
Our world has fed us a steady diet of misconceptions about heaven. The result is many Christians, not to mention those in the world, are apathetic about the place Jesus has gone to prepare for his followers. If heaven is little better than hell, why would anyone want to go there? On October 2, 2022, we will be challenged by the greatness of the place Jesus is preparing for us to live with him and invite those in our lives to join us. Please join us in reading John 14:1-3 and Revelation 21 & 22 in preparation for this message: The Perfect Place. Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.
The Choice We Make
September 25, 2022
Many question, “How could a loving God send someone to hell?” Yet, Scripture is clear that hell is a real place, and many choose to go there by their denial of the One God sent to save them. On September 25, 2022, we will be challenged to choose to follow Jesus with our life, then share the significance of our choice with those around us. Please join us in reading Matthew 10 in preparation for this message: The Choice We Make. Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.
Not Every Road
September 11, 2022
Our culture is trying to convince us that all religions are following the same God, yet, how can that be true when Jesus’ claims are often in direct conflict with the claims of other religions and their prophets? On September 11, 2022, we will be challenged to follow Jesus - only Jesus - knowing there is no other way to God except through Him. Please join us in reading Ephesians 1 and 4 in preparation for this message: Not Every Road. Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.
Settling into Jesus
September 4, 2022
Many people struggle with the simplicity of Jesus’ offer of salvation. It’s so hard to believe that we don’t have to do something to earn our salvation. It would be easier to grasp if we had to take the initiative by doing penance, going on a pilgrimage, or praying some special prayer. Instead, He simply asks us to trust in Him and what He has done. On September 4, 2022, we will be challenged to settle into Jesus as the giver of our salvation. Please join us in reading Numbers 21 and John 3, in preparation for this message: Settling into Jesus. Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.
August 28, 2022
Inclusion and diversity have become the catchwords that define our world. They have come to mean “anything goes”. Pushing back against sin, many Christians have rejected God’s desire for all people to come to Him through the saving work of Jesus. On August 28, 2022, we will be challenged to mimic the inclusiveness of God’s heart in our day-to-day interactions with those around us. Please join us in reading Luke 15, 16, & Matthew 20, in preparation for this message: Inclusive. Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.
Matters of the Heart
August 21, 2022
Part of our struggle in this life is that we don’t think we need anything from God. We lead a good life. We have a good job. Those around us respect us. Those closest to us love us. We don’t think we need what God offers us. On August 21, 2022, we will be challenged to recognize our need for a savior, and to claim Jesus’ offer of his pure heart in exchange for our vileness. Please join us in reading Exodus 20, in preparation for this message: Matters of the Heart. Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.
Jesus, the Only One & Only
August 14, 2022
Many in our society are questioning who they are. The result is a sense of lostness that is not easily shaken. When we lose our way, Scripture reveals our only option to find ourselves, and may it not be what we might have expected. On August 14, 2022, we will be challenged to fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of faith. Please join us in reading Hebrews 12, in preparation for this message: The Only One and Only. Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.
What Is Love?
August 7, 2022
We have probably all been hurt by what we thought was love only to be left skittish. In its wake, we were left feeling abandoned and hurt. Then, when we come to Jesus’ words in John 3:16, we question the validity of God’s love. Is it real? Will it last? Does it even matter? On August 7, 2022, we will be challenged to live in the light of God’s promise of His relentless love. Please join us in reading Ephesians 3, 5, in preparation for this message: What is Love? Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.
July 24, 2022
We live in a hard world. To combat that, we rigidly hold to our convictions. Unfortunately, we sometimes allow that rigidity to spread to other areas of our lives unnecessarily. In turn, we become stiff-necked to what God desires to do in us. On July 24, 2022, we will be challenged to stay pliable to what God is doing in our lives. Please join us in reading Exodus 32, in preparation for this message: Pliable. Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.
For God...
July 17, 2022
Scripture tells us that God is entirely sufficient, sustaining, and righteous in and of Himself. That might not be a good thing for us, since He doesn’t need us for anything. Yet, Jesus tells us in John 3:16 that God loves us, thus offering us hope for the future. On July 17, 2022, we will be challenged to trust the God of the universe with our lives. Please join us in reading Psalms 19 & 97, in preparation for this message: For God... Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.
More than Talk
July 10, 2022
As part of our world, we have a lot of preconceived ideas of who God is. Yet, a secretive mid-night conversation already brought to light the character and work of God. On July 10, 2022, we will examine the best know conversation in all of Scripture, and be challenged to seek God on His terms, not on our own preconceptions. Please join us in reading John 3, in preparation for this message: More than Talk. Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.