Pleasant Grove
Church of Christ
Teaching People to Follow Jesus
Realizing the Kingdom of God
Coming of the Kingdom
December 29, 2019
For most of us, when we think of Christmas, we have some standard expectations of what it will be like – a tree, lights and decorations, and lots of presents. Not only do we have standard expectations for Christmas, but we do for most things. Even a king. On December 29, 2019 we learned that though Jesus may not have met our standard expectations, he is still King, and we should claim him as King of our hearts. Please join us in reading Matthew 1, in preparation for this message: Coming of the Kingdom. Click on the image to listen.
Reinventing the Kingdom
December 15, 2019
John the Baptizer, the forerunner of Christ, challenged all those who would listen to “repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Later, when Jesus ministry wasn’t what John thought it would be, he questioned if Jesus really was the one the Jews were expecting. In turn, Jesus pointed to what he was doing as evidence. On December 15, 2019 we were challenged to examine our view of the kingdom of God and to align our lives with God’s intention for it. Please join us in reading Matthew 11, in preparation for this message: Reinventing the Kingdom. Click on the image to listen.
Proclaiming the Kingdom
December 8, 2019
We often think of repentance as what we are giving up rather than what we gain. Repentance frees us from the shackles of sin to live according to the Spirit of God. On December 8, 2019 we learned what difference deep level repentance can make in our lives and in our witness to those around us. Please join us in reading Matthew 3, in preparation for this message: Proclaiming the Kingdom. Click on the image to listen.
December 1, 2019
As the holidays approach, we often spend a significant amount of time getting ready. Yet, how much time do we invest in preparing for Christ’s return? The timing of Jesus return is unexpected but the fact of his return is not. On December 1, 2019 we learned how to be prepared for the return of Christ. Please join us in reading Matthew 24, in preparation for this message: Un-Prepared. Click on the image to listen.