Pleasant Grove
Church of Christ
Teaching People to Follow Jesus
What Child is This?
Promises to Live By
December 25, 2022
We often allow our past to negatively shape the way we live in the present. The prophet Isaiah offers a different perspective, helping his readers grasp the promises of judgment, hope, and the kingdom of God. On December 25, 2022, we will be challenged to let the past shape our present as we look to the future. Please join us in reading Isaiah 65 & 66 in preparation for this message: Promises to Live By. Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.
Invitation to be Healed
December 18, 2022
My children tend to break things. They don’t do it intentionally, but it still happens. When it does, it’s my job to fix whatever broke. In our lives, we are all broken and in need of repair. On December 18, 2022, we will be challenged to accept God’s invitation to be healed by repenting and submitting our lives to him. Please join us in reading Isaiah 55 in preparation for this message: Invitation to be Healed. Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.
Humbled for Christ
December 11, 2022
When we think of Christmas, what often comes to mind are the presents, family gatherings, and the food. Oh, the food! Few of us would think first of taking up a towel to serve, let alone a cross. Yet, that’s what Jesus came to do. On December 11, 2022, we will be challenged to humble ourselves to take up the cross of Christ. Please join us in reading Isaiah 52:13-53:12 in preparation for this message: Humbled for Christ. Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.
Comfortable in Christ
December 4, 2022
Often, we think of God’s comforting during times of grief and loss, yet when Isaiah chapter 40 opens the prophet ties it to the deliverance of His people from captivity. For us, God comforts us by delivering us from sin through the cross of Jesus. On December 4, 2022, we will be challenged to share the comforting of Jesus with all those around us. Please join us in reading Isaiah 40:1-11 in preparation for this message: Comfortable in Christ. Click on the image to watch. Click here to listen.